"Spanish and Italian pre-schools"
by Francesca Pesantini

During my mobility I have observed inclusive methodologies and educational activities in  two different pre-schools and I have noticed different aspects from the goals of our pre-schools in Italy.

The organization is not as flexible as ours. Teachers follow a strict weekly schedule because the school time is shorter. 

In addition, they focus on reading/writing abilities even if they use a lot of technology.

I think I have not had enough time to catch all positive and negative aspects of the partner schools. However, I have appreciated the role of different experts inside the school to help students with special needs.

I have been struck by the project "My big friend" between children of 5 and 3 years of age and by the use of digital technologies to facilitate learning.

I think the weekly schedule for pre-school should be less strict; just some activities should be focused on reading/writing, the major part should be planned with games. Learning should be fun and make kids curious and creative!

I think Erasmus+ is a wonderful opportunity for everyone to share experiences and competences and should be encouraged among all the teachers.


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