"Spanish and Italian pre-schools" by Francesca Pesantini During my mobility I have observed inclusive methodologies and educational activities in two different pre-schools and I have noticed different aspects from the goals of our pre-schools in Italy. The organization is not as flexible as ours. Teachers follow a strict weekly schedule because the school time is shorter. In addition, they focus on reading/writing abilities even if they use a lot of technology. I think I have not had enough time to catch all positive and negative aspects of the partner schools. However, I have appreciated the role of different experts inside the school to help students with special needs. I have been struck by the project "My big friend" between children of 5 and 3 years of age and by the use of digital technologies to facilitate learning. I think the weekly schedule for pre-school should be less strict; just some activities should be foc...
Showing posts from October, 2018
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Murcia, October 2018 by Claudia Cantini I have observed a methodology for inclusion, on different levels and to reach specific goals. I have also noticed that the methodology is more focused on the behaviour of the child and that the school time is shorter than in Italy. It was interesting to see the relationship between teacher and child about the early use of the IWB by pupils for reading and writing activities. The teacher also used the whiteboard to show the activities. During classes, the level of attention was quite high. The teacher followed a well- structured weekly program, with the planning of specific activities related to the various areas of the child behavior. A critical aspect was, in my opinion, the short time that children had for playing freely and the very little flexibility on the activities structured by the teacher. A very interesting relationship was that between the 5-year-of age pupils and the 3-year-of age o...
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Bienvenidos a Murcia!! by Ilaria Vasarri Nuestra Señora de la Fuensanta JM i s a private school which belongs to a worldwide Catholic congregation and it is situated in the centre of the town. The school participates to lots of European exchanges. There are 700 hundred students. It’s well equipped with canteen, pitches, labs and a big garden. Inclusion in class aims at improving cooperation and citizenship; out of the class it is focused more on language skills, autonomy and self-control. “Tailleres” for children are sort of laboratories to reach personal outcomes, such as writing a shopping list, counting money, going shopping and then cooking. The older students with similar diseases prepare the labs for the younger ones. The school praises students with high intelligence, too. During the schoolyear they prepare a role-play to be done in June (for example Escape Room). The winners are those students who get the solution as soon as possi...
A description of our days in Pirano.....from Carla Ricci, English Teacher Scuola Secondaria di primo grado Piero della Francesca
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PIRAN (Slovenia) September 2018 The main reason for which I applied for Erasmus project is both the need to acquire vocational competence that could be used in everyday teaching of English and to have the opportunity to be confronted with foreign teachers coming from different parts of Europe. In this respect, the course turned out to be extremely interesting, as it allowed me to reflect on Special Needs Students Actions and cooperative learning methods that could be followed. I really enjoyed the whole experience as a whole and the work with my colleagues there was mainly job shadowing. We visited different classes from Nursery School to the final year of the local Primary School, which correspond here to Primary+ Secondary+ first year of High Secondary School. We sang well-known songs with kids from Nursery School, told stories and watched them in their daily activities in different classes. We also talked to different teachers and School Managers in order t...
Email exchange Classe V B Don Milani Ins. Stefania Berti
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GOOD MOORNING, We are the fifth grade class of "Don Milani" school, in Florence. Our school is big, on two floors. There are two canteen and a large garden with a lot of trees, a theater, a gym, a library, the science classroom, the I.T.C. classroom, many classrooms. If you want to go upstairs, you can get on the elevator, too! We have got four Teachers. We stay well at school, like a big family: we study playing! This year we will learn to play the flute: it will be funny! Would you like to come and visit our school? You could visit our city: Florence is rich of art, history and culture. There are Museums, the "Duomo", "Palazzo Vecchio", the "Uffizi" and a lot of beautiful gardens like "Boboli". What about you? Do you like it? Can you tell us about your city? Write back soon. ClassV B.
Presentation and email exchange, l'albero della lettura Classe IV B Don Milani Ins. Daniela Perini
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Abbiamo ripreso l’idea vista nella scuola Slovena di Pirano ed abbiamo realizzato in classe “L’albero della lettura “. Per ogni libro letto da un bambino, verrà attaccato un fiore con il titolo del libro... Il nostro albero è ancora spoglio ma contiamo di farlo fiorire al più presto! IV B Don Milani I bambini hanno svolto in inglese una breve presentazione da inviare alla referente Erasmus Mojka, in attesa di poter avere uno scambio email con la classe parallela di Pirano. IV B Don Milani
Attività CLIL "Shapes" Classe 2^ A Don Milani Ins. Imperatore Giovanna
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In occasione degli Erasmus Days alcune insegnanti hanno realizzato attività CLIL, eccone un esempio e la sua descrizione in fasi: - Presentazione in L2 delle principali figure geometriche solide e piane e delle relative caratteristiche ( matematica) - Rappresentazione grafica delle figure ( arte e immagine). - Realizzazione di figure bidimensionali e tridimensionali con cartoncini colorati (tecnologia), attraverso attività di Cooperative Learning. - Realizzazione di un cartellone ( arte e immagine).
Attività di email exchange in classe V A in occasione degli Erasmus days Ins. Sabina Leoncini
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In occasione degli Erasmus days,visto che il nostro progetto si occupa di inclusione ho fatto un brainstorming su questo concetto cercando di capire che cosa ne pensassero i ragazzi della V A della Scuola Don Milani. Qui sotto la foto;poi ho cercato di riflettere sul fatto che realizzare scambi culturali,imparare nuove lingue e confrontarsi con altre culture e' un arricchimento per tutti. Quindi abbiamo scritto la mail qui sotto ai nostri due partner, Jose per le scuole di Murcia e Mojka per le scuole di Pirano e stiamo aspettando la loro risposta. La settimana precedente avevo dato come compito per casa la realizzazione di una breve presentazione di sé stessi (vedi foto). L'attività è piaciuta molto ai ragazzi e per l'insegnante è stata una buona occasione per interagire con i bambini e ascoltare le loro opinioni, nonché vederli confrontarsi con un compito di realtà. Good Morning, We are the fifth grade class of "Don Milani" school. Our scho...
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Benvenuti sul Blog del progetto Erasmus Plus dell'Istituto Comprensivo Piero della Francesca di Firenze. L’Agenzia Nazionale Erasmus + ha approvato e finanziato il progetto del nostro Istituto n. 2018-1-IT02-KA101-047485 “ Raccontiamoci e accogliamoci! Come aprirsi alla diversità osservando, facendo, sperimentando, in scuole slovene e spagnole” Il progetto prevede mobilità di docenti e personale direttivo, ad oggi si è conclusa la prima mobilità a Pirano (Slovenia) ed è in corso la seconda mobilità a Murcia, alla quale oltre alla referente Pro.ssa Ilaria Vasarri e altri docenti, parteciperanno anche la Dirigente e la Direttrice amministrativa del nostro Istituto. Nei prossimi post daremo informazioni sugli obiettivi del progetto, sulla prima mobilità, su quella che è in corso, sulle iniziative degli insegnanti durante gli Erasmus Days 2018 e sui prossimi steps del progetto. Buon viaggio!